Sylfirm X

laser facial treatment in Scottsdale

Radio Frequency Microneedling

Cutting Edge Radio Frequency Microneedling

What is the SylfirmX?

The SylfirmX is the world’s first and only FDA cleared Pulsed Wave and Continuous Wave Radio Frequency (RF) Microneedling device. This means that the SylfirmX has multiple skin enhancing benefits that are beyond the capabilities of other radio frequency devices, such as the ability to treat patients who have melasma, hyperpigmentation, redness, and rosacea. Radio frequency provides heat that stimulates collagen production which has been found to lead to tighter, younger looking skin. SylfirmX has proven its effectiveness and safety through more than 25 clinical studies. 

The SylfirmX system delivers visible results, which may include:

  • Enhancing skin radiance, tone, and texture
  • Improvement of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars
  • Stimulating collagen production in both superficial and deeper layers of skin
  • Skin tightening, smoothing, and subtle lifting effect

What makes the SylfirmX Different?

SylfirmX is modern RF microneedling technology. Older technologies do not utilize a robotic delivery of the needles, but are rather a powerful forced action. This forced action works quickly but essentially shoots the needles directly into the skin, resulting in significantly more downtime and a reportedly more painful treatment. This older technology also has an increased amount of bleeding, bruising, and swelling. The SylfirmX utilizes a robotic delivery system which results in precise delivery of radio frequency energy every treatment. The SylfirmX uses non-insulated needles, allowing for a more tolerable treatment and enhanced recovery time. 

What to expect during your SylfirmX treatment:

Your technician will complete a detailed medical history questionnaire to determine if you are an appropriate candidate for treatment. Our office provides both prescription-strength topical numbing gel applied for 45 minutes, along with the pro-nox nitrous oxide (laughing gas) system for patient comfort. The pro-nox system is self-administered and helps ease pain and any anxiety during the treatment. You are able to drive yourself home 10 minutes after using the pro-nox, which makes it a more convenient option compared to prescribed oral sedating medications. Once fully numbed, our skilled technician will administer the SylfirmX treatment to the desired treatment areas, entire face and neck being the most common. Patients have reported minimal pain and discomfort in comparison to other radio frequency devices on the market. 

What to Expect after your SylfirmX treatment:

What to Expect after your SylfirmX treatment:

  • Your skin will resemble a sunburn for 24 to 48 hours post treatment.
  • Cooling the skin is allowed if needed. Use a towel wrapped ice pack or hand fans.
  • Mild crusting may be present for up to 5 days post treatment. Crusts will flake off on their own. Do not pick or pull at the crusts.
  • Patients should avoid harsh topical products for 14 days post treatment. Only use the products suggested to you by your provider.
  • On the second day post treatment, apply a broad spectrum mineral SPF. If you plan to be outside, always use an umbrella, hat, or other forms of sun protection.
  • Patients should avoid vigorous activity, excessive heat, or sun exposure for at least 7 days post treatment.
  • Patients should wait at least 4 weeks in between each treatment. Most patients achieve best results within 2 to 4 treatments.
  • We recommend your treatment be performed at least 1 week prior to any important work events or social activities. 

SylfirmX and other cosmetic modalities are not safe for pregnant or breast feeding women.

Learn More About Laser Rejuvenation Treatments

To learn more about SylfirmX and other laser rejuvenation treatments, schedule a complimentary laser consultation with Moderne Medical in Scottsdale, Arizona. Our technicians are required to be Registered Nurses OR Certified Laser Technicians with a minimum of 10 years experience performing laser treatment modalities prior to working in our office. Your safety is our utmost priority!

All laser treatments will require pre and post-care that must be followed for safety and optimal results. This information will be reviewed in detail with you at your appointment.


Scottsdale med spa

1 Area – $800

2 Areas – $1,000

3 Areas – $1,200

Body – Consultation Required

Ask about our Moderne Membership for savings on our Sylfirm X treatments and other services offered at Moderne Medical in Scottsdale, Arizona!

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