Laser Facials in Scottsdale

laser facial treatment in Scottsdale

What is the ResurFX™?

What is the ResurFX™?

The Stellar M22 ResurFX™ treatment is a fractional skin rejuvenation treatment. The ResurFX™ is a non-ablative treatment that allows for a comfortable and effective treatment. This device heats the skin but does not ablate, meaning that your outer layer of skin stays in tact and highly minimizes the risk of potential side effects. This heating technology triggers fibroblast activation and dermal remodeling. Patients who are concerned with fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, skin discoloration, and skin laxity may be the ideal candidate for the ResurFX™ treatment. A series of multiple treatments spaced every 4 to 6 weeks apart may be required to achieve optimal results.

What to expect during ResurFX™ treatment:

Your technician will complete a detailed medical history questionnaire to determine if you are an appropriate candidate for treatment. A topical numbing cream will then be applied and once fully numbed, our skilled technician will administer the ResurFX™ treatment to the desired treatment areas. The face, neck, chest, or hands are the most common. You can expect to feel a mild sting, followed by dissipating warmth. The warmness typically subsides a few hours after treatment, however this can vary among patients.

What to expect after ResurFX™ treatment:

One of the main benefits of a ResurFX™ is that there is minimal downtime. Post treatment discomfort is generally mild and subsides a few hours after the treatment. The post laser balm suggested by your technician may be applied after your treatment. Most patients will experience redness for 1-5 days. For more aggressive treatments this may last longer. Mild to moderate swelling and a feeling of skin tightness are also common post treatment and may last 1-3 days or longer. Your skin may also crust and flake for 3-7 days after treatment, depending on the treatment settings. Makeup may not be applied for the first 24 hours. We recommend your treatment be performed at least 1 week prior to any important work events or social activities.

ResurFX  post care instructions:

ResurFX™ post care instructions:

Cool (not iced) compresses and the post laser treatment spray suggest by your laser technician may be applied immediately after treatment.

Dynamic cooling devices such as neck or hand fans may help alleviate discomfort.

Gently apply the post laser lotion suggested by your laser technician twice daily for three days.

Sunblock with SPF 30 or higher must be applied over the treated areas starting 24 hours post treatment.

No working out, hot tubs, saunas, jacuzzi, or whirlpools for 48 hours post treatment.

Avoid exfoliating, shaving, waxing, or anything harsh and abrasive to the treated area for 72 hours post treatment.

Avoid picking and/or rubbing the skin.

Mineral makeup that is easy to remove may be applied 72 hours post treatment.

Do not use any products post procedure without consulting your laser technician. Keep the treated area clean.

Learn More About Laser Rejuvenation Treatments

To learn more about laser resurfacing treatments, schedule a complimentary laser consultation with Moderne Medical in Scottsdale, AZ. Our technicians are required to be Registered Nurses OR Certified Laser Technicians with a minimum of 10 years experience performing laser treatment modalities prior to working in our office, as your safety is our utmost priority.

All laser treatments will require pre and post-care that must be followed for safety and optimal results. This information will be reviewed in detail with you at your appointment.

Contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation and get started. We look forward to seeing you!


Scottsdale med spa

Face, Neck or Chest (1 area) $600

2 areas $850

3 areas $1,100

Ask about our Moderne Membership for savings on our ResurFX™ treatments and other services offered at Moderne Medical in Scottsdale, Arizona!

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